Starting at 1:25, the track becomes an action piece. A militaristic version of the "Force Theme" is heard at 0:38, heralding Obi-Wan's arrival on the Tenth Level. Most of the rest appears during the end of the wheel bike chase and the final fight between the characters on the landing platform, although parts of it were not used. The first part of this track (up to about 1:25) appears when Obi-Wan is searching for Grievous. It has a similar tone and style to "The Immolation Scene." This track, a sorrowful adagio representing the fall of the Jedi, underscores the Order 66 sequence, and is reprised when Anakin confronts his wife shortly before the duel on Mustafar. This is actually a concert suite of the theme. This track starts to play after Obi-Wan and Anakin are caught in a collapsing control arm on Mustafar and ends when Obi-Wan Kenobi leaves Anakin on the edge of the lava river. A statement of " Across the Stars" appears at 0:26, and again at 2:27, while brief portions of the " Force Theme" are heard from 3:33. The track plays during Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala's scenes at her apartment, Anakin's nightmare, and the following scene on Padmé's veranda. Although the previous films, and indeed, Episode III, had a quieter descend into the next piece, here, earlier than previous films, this track does not follow the music heard in the film after the opening titles. The track starts off with the main theme. Tracks Star Wars Main Title And the Revenge of the Sith The Birth Of The Twins And Padmé's Destiny – 3:37.Grievous Speaks To Lord Sidious – 2:49 Listen ( help.Anakin's Dark Deeds – 4:05 Listen ( help.Battle of the Heroes – 3:42 Listen ( help.Star Wars Main Title And the Revenge of the Sith – 7:31.4 Differences between the album, film, and initial score.2.14 The Birth Of The Twins And Padmé's Destiny.2.1 Star Wars Main Title And the Revenge of the Sith.On May 4, 2018, a remastered version of the soundtrack, utilizing music originally mixed for the film, was released by Walt Disney Records. Instead, it presents highlights from the score edited together in a concert suite-like program, presenting a musical story over the course of the album. Like most John Williams releases, the album soundtrack does not present the entire score. This album was chosen as one of 's Top 100 Editor's Picks of 2005 (#83). The DVD featured sixteen music videos set to remastered selections of music from all six film scores, set chronologically through the saga. The soundtrack also came with a collectors' DVD, Star Wars: A Musical Journey, at no additional cost. A music video titled A Hero Falls was created for one of the film's themes, " Battle of the Heroes," featuring footage from the film.

The music was composed and conducted by John Williams and performed by the London Symphony Orchestra and London Voices. The Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith soundtrack was released by Sony Classical on May 3, 2005, more than two weeks before the release of the film.